Omega 3: why is it so important?

We have all heard that Omega 3 is very healthy. But is eating fish once a week enough to get enough omega 3? In this blog we take a closer look at the powerful effects of omega 3 and the best sources of this nutrient. So that you can easily incorporate omega 3 into your diet and experience the many health benefits.
But what exactly is omega 3?
Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids. The best known are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and the fish fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Our body needs this fatty acid, consisting of the fatty acids EPA and DHA, very badly to function properly. ALA is an essential fatty acid that your body cannot make itself and therefore you must get it through food.
The importance of omega 3
About 85% of the Dutch population is deficient in this important fatty acid. That can cause problems in both the body and our brain. Omega 3 is partly responsible for the fact that you can read this blog today. It is an important building material for your brain but also for many others Affairs.
A healthy heart function
The effect of omega 3 on cardiovascular disease has been studied for years. Meanwhile, it can also be said without a doubt that this has a positive effect on healthy heart function. It appears that an intake of 1 gram per day of EPA and DHA reduces the risk of death from heart disease by about 10% in people with (a high risk of) cardiovascular disease.
brain function
Omega-3, and in particular the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, is of such great importance for normal brain function. Omega 3 fatty acids ensure that substances can enter and leave the brain cells. Various studies have shown that DHA has a very positive effect on the responsiveness. Young people with more omega-3 fatty acids in the blood appear to be able to process information faster and concentrate better. DHA is therefore essential for the construction and optimal function of the brain.
Depression and Anxiety Disorders
Out research shows that people who suffer from depressed thoughts and/or have an anxiety disorder benefit from omega 3. research that people who follow an omega 3 rich diet are less likely to suffer from depression.
Omega 3 in pregnancy
A pregnancy in which an omega 3 rich diet is followed has many benefits for the child. During your pregnancy, Omega-3 DHA contributes to the normal growth and development of your baby's brain and eyes. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the brain of the unborn baby grows very fast. The baby then withdraws Omega 3 fatty acids from the mother's body. It is therefore extra important for pregnant women that they eat oily fish or take an omega supplement at least once a week.
How much omega 3 do you need?
When asked how many omega-3 fatty acids you should ingest per day, different health organizations answer differently. The recommended daily allowance of DHA and EPA they recommend ranges from about 200 to 500 mg per day for a healthy adult. It Nutrition center recommends, for example, that adults consume 200 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day.
The ultimate omega 3 sources
Okay, we think it is now clear that omega 3 is a very important fatty acid. The best way to get the optimal amount of omega 3 is by eating whole foods. You can find omega 3 fatty acids mainly in:
Know how
If you want to get as close as possible to the recommended daily amount of DHA and EPA through your diet, it is best to eat a portion of fatty fish every week, according to the Nutrition Center. Examples of omega-3 rich fish are salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel.
Whether it is a coincidence or not, nature seems to us with the shape of walnuts, curves and wrinkles, already wanting to reveal that these are good for the brain. Because walnuts are so rich in fatty acids, they are also very high in calories, so keep this in mind if you have to watch your diet.
Chlorella and spirulina are algae and it may therefore surprise you that they contain omega 3 fatty acids. The great thing about chlorella is that it not only contains ALA fatty acids, but also the easily absorbable DHA and EPA.
Seeds such as linseed, hemp seed and chia seed are rich in healthy fatty acids and omega 3. You can easily use these seeds in your recipes. For example, add a few tablespoons to your smoothie or yogurt.
Grass fines
Grass-fed butter is butter made from milk from the period when cows walk in the meadow and eat grass. As a result, the milk, and therefore the butter, contains more omega 3 fatty acids. Nice plus, you can also make delicious coffee with grass-fed butter. Sign up via this one link in for delicious coffee recipes with grass-fed butter.
You can get enough omega 3 with a varied diet. If you have trouble with this, it is of course also possible to take supplements. This supplement is often a combination of omega 6 and omega 9. These supplements are also sold as fish oil supplements.
So you see, enough possibilities to get your daily amount of Omega-3. Even with a vegetarian diet.