What is MCT oil?

Bulletproof coffee®
Cupplement we came up with during sports. We, Stefan and Florian, were sparring over bulletproof® coffee. This drink gives a lot of energy and is very popular in America. We were brainstorming about the health benefits and whether there were more applications of adding superfoods to coffee.
Benefits of MCT oil
Bulletproof® coffee contains coconut oil and coconut oil consists of more than half of MCT fats. Should this be just the ingredient that gives you that energie boost after drinking bulletproof® coffee. MCT oils are medium-chain fats and thus fall under the healthier fats. An awful lot of studies have been done on these fats. Multiple studies have shown, for instance, that it brings sugars to muscles faster. This way, you maintain more muscle mass and it helps you lose weight because it inhibits your appetite. Also, MCT oil is good for your immune system and it helps you focus and remember things better. But the reason it has become so popular in combination with coffee is because MCT fats are absorbed faster by the body. Hierdoor krijg je er sneller en meer energie van dan je de andere gezonde vetten met een langere keten aan het eten of drinken bent.
Quantity of MCT Oil
Because they are fats, they naturally contain calories, so try not to go all lel on them. A healthy amount would help you make the most of them. Pure fats leave you feeling full incredibly quickly, so it's hard to get more than the healthy amount of fats in. Now I might hear you thinking, but I can easily eat 30 Snickers in a row, there are fats in those too, right? Yes there are, but the combination of fats with sugars and carbohydrates means you can easily eat a lot more. Luckily, those unhealthy goodies are not in our healthy coffee.