What is zinc?

A distinction can be made between the element zinc that is used in industry and zinc that is seen as an important mineral for the human body. Zinc was discovered in Europe in the 18th century as a loose element. It was discovered by Andreas Sigismund Marggraf, a German chemist. Hundreds of years earlier, in the Eastern world, they could distinguish and purify zinc from other metals. Read below why zinc is important and in what products it is present.
Why zinc?
What products contain zinc?
Zinc cannot be stored in our body, so it is crucial for your health to get your daily amount of zinc. But where can you get your zinc from? Zinc is largely present in meat and fish products. Because vegetarians do not eat these, they are advised to take extra zinc by, for example, using supplements. In addition, zinc is mainly found in eggs and nuts. Zinc is also present in legumes, brown bread and rice.