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What is collagen and what does it do for your body?

Florian Fermin
Florian Fermin

If you don't know much about collagen yet, we'll be happy to help you on your way. You may have heard about the elixir of youth, or with other words, collagen. But what exactly is this?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and it mainly has an important role for the elasticity and firmness of our skin. The word collagen comes from the Greek words 'Kolla = glue' and 'Gen = to produce' and, as the name might suggest, collagens hold the skin together like a kind of glue. But what exactly does it do and what is it good for?

1. Skin elasticity

Collagen ensures that the skin remains elastic. This elasticity in turn ensures that the skin is tight and radiant. Collagen is present in the skin in the middle layer of the skin, also called the dermis. Our body produces collagen itself, but this production starts to decrease from the age of 25e. This will make the skin less elastic and fine lines will start to develop.

2. Nails and hair

Collagen is a true beauty protein. It not only has an effect on the skin but also on your hair and nails. Several studies show that collagen plays an important role in the production of hair follicles. The recovery of these sacs is supported by the presence of collagen. Another way collagen supports hair growth is because collagen is rich in the amino acid glycine. This amino acid forms the building blocks for healthy hair. The same goes for the nails. The nails grow faster with a high collagen content and are therefore less brittle.

3. Bones, joints and muscles

Collagens not only provide a youthful appearance, they are also very important proteins for your bones, joints and muscles. Because collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, it is also an important component for skeletal muscle. Less production of collagen can lead to reduced production of cartilage, which in turn has an effect on the joints. As a result, the joints become more vulnerable and recover less quickly.

A reduced production of collagen can also lead to a reduced bone density. This is because less collagen is available to act as a binding agent for the bones.

How do you get extra collagen?

Although we all want to grow old, we prefer to keep our skin and body young and strong for as long as possible. Collagen is therefore a very important building block for this. Unfortunately, we cannot stop the collagen production from starting to decrease at some point. Unfortunately, you won't find a cream where it's on the ingredient list. This is simply because the components of collagen are larger than the pores that are supposed to absorb it. However, the intake of 15 grams of collagen per day can improve skin elasticity, hydration, bone structure and muscle mass and ensure stronger nails and better hair growth. But how do you get extra collagen?

  • Sleep

The skin makes new collagen while we sleep. A study was conducted in Cleveland on the effect on the skin of prolonged poor or short sleep. What turned out? People who sleep too short or poorly for a long time are more likely to have accelerated skin aging.

  • Nutrition

Healthy and varied food is always important, and so is the production of collagen. This ensures that your skin can function optimally from the inside out. Examples of products that give the collagen in your body a big boost include avocado, fish (omega-3 fatty acids), red vegetables and carrots. You can also find collagen in other products, especially in products that contain or are derived from bones. Think of long-drawn beef broth, but also canned fish that still contains small bones such as mackerel or sardines. The disadvantage of getting collagen from food is that the food must first be broken down by the body to make the collagen available. Moreover, our current diet consists of fewer sources of collagen than in the past and it is therefore a challenge to get enough of this protein in this way.

  • Supplements

As mentioned above, our body has a hard time making collagen available from food. That is why it is important to work with supplements. Collagen supplements can work by encouraging your body to make collagen on its own. In addition, these supplements can promote the production of other proteins that help build your skin, including elastin and fibrillin. Supplementation can be found in the form of powder and tablets. It is best to opt for a powder. The proteins in collagen powder have already been broken down (hydrolyzed) into smaller pieces of collagen. This means that the body can absorb it more easily. Make sure that the collagen powder is hydrolyzed. In short, a collagen hydrolysate means that the protein molecules are made so small that they are more easily absorbed by the body. Larger molecules do not benefit the absorbability.

Collagen creamer from Cupplement

Cupplement has launched a new collagen product. A Collagen creamer in the taste of vanilla. Perfect as an addition to your coffee!

The Cupplement collagen creamer is a good way to make your cup of coffee a little tastier and creamier and also contribute to your health. With 5 grams of collagen protein per serving, the product contributes to healthy hair, skin, nails, stronger bones and joints. The product gives a real boost and a creamy taste to your cup of coffee.

Do you have any questions about collagen as a supplement? Do not hesitate and contact us!

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