supplementen vitamines pillen in de zomer welke tekort vitamine C, vitamine D magnesium
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What are the most important supplements to take in the summer months?

Florian Fermin
Florian Fermin
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Most people only take extra supplements in the winter months (aka the r-in-the-month months). But did you know that taking extra supplements in the summer is also very important? It is not the case that you need more nutrients in the winter months than in the summer months. The only vitamin that you produce more in the summer than in the winter is Vitamin D, because you expose your body more to the sun. But your body needs all other nutrients just as much during the rest of the year as in the so-called r-in-the-month months.

But what are the most important supplements for the summer? I will further explain the three most important in this blog.


Magnesium is one of the most important minerals. It plays a role in more than 350 bodily processes! As a result, magnesium is important in
, among other things
  • The formation of bone and muscles and the maintenance of strong teeth
  • The transmission of stimuli in muscles and nerves
  • Heart and blood vessels
  • The energy production of your body cells. Magnesium helps to release energy from food and is therefore good for tiredness and fatigue.
The recommended daily amount of magnesium is 350 mg for an adult male and 300 mg for an adult female. However, in some situations the daily requirement may be higher. This is the case during pregnancy or while breastfeeding or after a big session of sports.

What is magnesium in?

Magnesium is mainly found in whole grain cereals, green vegetables, nuts and dairy products. Green vegetables owe their green color to a substance called chlorophyll, the core of chlorophyll consists of a magnesium atom. That is why the rule also applies: the greener the vegetable, the more magnesium it contains. Unfortunately, due to the warming of the soil due to agriculture and fertilizers, there is less and less magnesium to be found in food. As a result, many people suffer from a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency

A magnesium deficiency is difficult to determine. This is because during an examination by a doctor your blood is examined, while only 1% of the amount of magnesium in your body is in the blood. You could notice a magnesium deficiency by the following things:
  • Fatigue, less energy and reduced resistance.
As mentioned before, magnesium helps to release energy from food. So when you have a magnesium deficiency, less energy is released from food, so you have less energy. This makes you tired faster, and you are more sensitive to stress. It is also known that when you experience more stress, your resistance deteriorates.
  • Muscle cramps.
Calcium and Magnesium together ensure that your muscles work properly. They are actually opposites. Calcium ensures that muscles tighten, while magnesium ensures that your muscles relax. That is why it is important to get the right ratio of calcium and magnesium. When you don't get enough magnesium, it's harder for your muscles to relax, causing muscle cramps.

Vitamin C

In the summer you naturally like to sit in the sun to get a nice summer touch. But as many people already know, this also has negative effects on your skin. As a result, you naturally have to take extra good care of your skin during the summer, so that you can also enjoy the sun's rays responsibly. You do this, for example, by applying a lot of sunscreen, but vitamin C also helps! Vitamin C is important in the formation of collagen, which helps to strengthen the skin from within. It also works as an antioxidant. These antioxidants help protect your cells from UV damage.
The daily recommended amount of vitamin C is 75 mg. When you are pregnant or breastfeeding, the daily recommended amount is higher. Namely 85 mg vitamin C per day when you are pregnant and 100 mg vitamin C per day when you are breastfeeding.

What is vitamin C in?

Vitamin C is mainly found in fruit and vegetables. Many people think that the most vitamin C is in oranges, but actually the most vitamin C is in red peppers! If you are going to look at fruit, it is best to eat black currants, kiwis and strawberries. If you are going to look at vegetables, it is therefore best to eat red peppers, or Brussels sprouts and kale.

Vitamin C deficiency

A vitamin C deficiency is almost non-existent in the Netherlands. As long as you eat enough fruits and vegetables, you will probably get enough vitamin C. You can recognize a vitamin C deficiency by the following symptoms:
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Low resistance
  • Poor wound healing and bruises that remain visible for longer
  • Joint pain

Vitamin D

You may think that you only need Vitamin D in the winter. After all, in the summer your body makes enough vitamin D because you are in the sun, right?
It is indeed true that your skin produces vitamin D when the sun power is 4 or higher. But in the Netherlands, this sun power is often only achieved between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. And let this be exactly the time when it is not recommended to go into the sun because the chance of burning is also greatest in this time slot. If you follow this advice, and therefore often only spend time in the sun outside this time in the summer, there is a good chance that your skin still does not produce enough vitamin D. Certainly not when you also apply factor 50, which is recommended to ensure that you do not burn, of course.
But what is vitamin D really important for? Vitamin D is important for the following things:
  • Strong bones and teeth.
This is because vitamin D ensures that calcium and phosphate are absorbed into the blood via the intestine and end up in the bones from the blood. And your bones in turn consist of calcium and phosphate.
  • Good muscle function
  • The Resistance
  • The functioning of the kidneys and parathyroid gland
A daily recommended amount of 10 micrograms applies to vitamin D. For people over 70, it is recommended to consume 20 micrograms per day.

What is vitamin D in?

Most vitamin D is found in oily fish such as rainbow trout, salmon and mackerel. Vitamin D is also found in meat, eggs and butter. In addition, vitamin D is often added to margarines and low-fat margarines in the Netherlands. So if you are vegan, it is always wise to take vitamin D as a supplement.

Vitamin D deficiency

You will not immediately notice a vitamin D deficiency. In many people it only becomes visible after years. You will mainly notice a vitamin D deficiency in the following problems:
  • Problems with teeth or bones
  • Muscle cramps
  • Muscle weakness
So it is just as important to take supplements during the summer months as it is during the winter months. Therefore, make sure that you take good care of yourself not only during the winter, but also in the summer! You can do this by taking various supplements in tablet form or capsules, but also take a look at our Immunity Blend. This way you get various supplements by drinking a cup of coffee!

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