Spirulina is a special form of blue-green microalgae that has been used as a food source for thousands of years. Spirulina is a superfood known for its rich nutritional profile.
Spirulina, a blue-green saltwater algae that has grown on Earth for 3.6 billion years, has been proposed by NASA as a potential space food because of its nutritional value.
From 332,00 Kč -
Spirulina, a blue-green saltwater algae that has grown on Earth for 3.6 billion years, has been proposed by NASA as a potential space food because of its nutritional value.
From 332,00 Kč -
Chlorella is a unique single-celled green microalgae and rich in vitamins, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acids.
From 409,00 Kč 306,00 Kč
What is Spirulina?
Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae that naturally occurs in warm, alkaline lakes in subtropical and tropical regions. This microscopic aquatic plant was used as a food source by the Aztecs thousands of years ago. Today, spirulina is cultivated in a controlled manner to ensure the highest quality and purity.
What is Spirulina good for?
Spirulina is known for its rich nutritional profile. This microalgae contains 60-70% proteins, making it one of the most protein-rich natural sources in the world. In addition, spirulina contains vitamins such as B12, B1, B2, B3 and vitamin E. Minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc are also present in spirulina, as well as the pigment phycocyanin and healthy fatty acids such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
How much Spirulina per day?
What does Spirulina do?
Spirulina is added to many people's daily diets as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle. For example, it can be used by athletes, vegetarians and vegans because of its high protein content.
Spirulina has been used for centuries in various cultures. It can be added to smoothies, juices or yoghurt as part of a varied diet. The algae is well absorbed by the body.
Spirulina Powder
Spirulina powder is a versatile product that can easily be added to various dishes. The powder has a characteristic green color and can be mixed into smoothies, juices, yogurt or other dishes. The powder is 100% pure and is carefully produced under strict quality requirements.
Spirulina Tablets
For those who find the taste of spirulina powder less pleasant or prefer to use a fixed dosage, there are also spirulina tablets . The tablets are easy to take and convenient to take with you on the road. They contain the same high-quality spirulina as our powder, but in a convenient form.
All products in our spirulina range are regularly tested for quality and purity. We work exclusively with certified producers who meet the highest quality standards.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you use Spirulina?
Spirulina is easy to add to your daily diet. You can mix the powder in smoothies, fruit juices or yoghurt. Start with a small amount (1-2 grams) to get used to the taste. You can take the tablets with water. For the best results, we recommend using spirulina at a fixed time of day, for example with breakfast or after exercise.
Is Spirulina seaweed?
No, spirulina is not a seaweed but a microalgae. It is a microscopic aquatic plant that belongs to the family of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Unlike seaweed, which grows in salt water, spirulina thrives best in fresh, alkaline water in warm climates.
Is Spirulina healthy?
Spirulina is a natural food that contains various nutrients. It consists of 60-70% protein and contains various vitamins and minerals. It can be used as a supplement to a varied and balanced diet.
Where can you buy Spirulina?
In our webshop you will find a wide range of spirulina products. We offer both spirulina powder and spirulina tablets in different packaging sizes. All our products are carefully selected and are supplied by reliable, certified producers.
What's in Spirulina?
Spirulina has an impressive nutritional composition:
60-70% vegetable proteins
Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B12 and vitamin E
Minerals including iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc
The pigment phycocyanin
Essential fatty acids, including gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
Different amino acids
All our spirulina products are regularly tested for purity and quality. They are free from additives and are produced according to the highest quality standards.