Vitamines voor meer energie vitamines B B complex energiemetabolisme supplementen
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Vitamins for more energy

Florian Fermin
Florian Fermin
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Vitamins for more energy, that's what the Energy/Focus blend consists of. These include vitamins B1, B2 and B12. In addition to contributing to extra energy and focus, the vitamins have other health benefits. But can you also get rid of ailments with these vitamins? And what happens if there is a shortage? Read more about it below.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 belongs to one of the vitamins for more energy. In our opinion, this vitamin is a bit undervalued. You often hear stories about how important, for example, vitamins C, D and B12 are for your health. But B1, you don't hear much about that. Of course the other vitamins are not so well known for nothing, but vitamin B1 can also mean a lot to you! For example, it helps against depression and lowers your irritation threshold. So if you're not feeling well, this little vitamin can help you improve your mood. That doesn't seem like an unimportant function to me!

Did you know that vitamin B1 helps to prevent muscle weakness and improves your memory and concentration? These are, of course, super important bodily functions. Everyone knows it, a dip in the afternoon and little energy to work or study for a long day. The first thing we wanted to achieve by adding vitamins to the coffee was to be able to work better and longer productively and to reduce or even completely avoid an afternoon dip. Vitamin B1 is an excellent candidate for this. In addition, it is also almost impossible to get too much, because it is a water-soluble vitamin. So you don't have to be afraid of too high a dose.

Vitamin B2

Just like vitamin B1, is vitamin B2 also not very well known. However, all B vitamins are found together in the vitamin B complex supplements. But probably there are also people who think that these supplements include B4! Therefore, here's the information you need to know about B2. Vitamin B2 helps in the prevention of fatigue complaints, as it plays a major role in energy metabolism. It ensures that the nutrients you ingest, such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins, can be converted into energy.

In addition, it is also good for your hair, skin, eyesight, your nervous system and even for your fertility it has benefits. In short, there are many bodily functions on which this vitamin has a positive effect. The supplementation of this vitamin is also easy. Because it has a lot of benefits and there are no negative consequences at a high dose. What you get too much of vitamin B2 you just pee out again, just like with the other B vitamins.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the best-known B vitamins. This B vitamin is also the most used as a supplement of all B vitamins. It is especially popular among people with a vegetarian/vegan diet, because this vitamin is mainly in animal products. This vitamin has many benefits. For example, it helps in the production and construction of red blood cells and nerve cells. Listed below are adverse effects that you can experience with a deficiency: 

  • Fatigue 
  • Muscle pain 
  • Nausea 
  • Sore, burning tongue 
  • Problems with digestion or defecation 

It is therefore extremely important that you get enough of this, because it reduces the risk of all of the above complications. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in combating fatigue. That's why we wanted to process this in our coffee. Many people also have a deficiency of vitamin B12. In addition, no upper limit has been set. Vitamin B12 is therefore a perfect supplement for the Energy/Focus blend.

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