koffie, cafeïne
2 min Reading time

Caffeine dehydrates?! Fact or fable?

Team Cupplement
Team Cupplement

Facts in facts about caffeine 

It is important to explain it well because no caffeine does not dry out in the amounts that a person can ingest, the caffeine only dries out in amounts that a person can already consume.n be deadly. But.... Caffeine does ensure that fluid leaves your body faster because it activates your kidneys (1)

How many cups of coffee can I have in a day? 

How sensitive a person is to the caffeine in coffee varies from person to person, but healthy adults can consume an average of about 400 milligrams of caffeine per day without causing problems. That equates to at most about 6 cups coffee. If you drink too much coffee or energy drinks, you can get complaints such as headaches, sleeping problems, anxiety or restlessness. 

Another fun fact about caffeine is that contrary to popular belief, coffee with a light roast contains more caffeine than dark roasted coffee. The reason is that more caffeine is roasted from the bean the longer the coffee is roasted. It works almost the same as cooking with wine or alcohol. (2)

Does coffee cause digestive problems? 

As soon as fluid or food enters your stomach, digestive juices are created. Even if this is coffee. Research shows that coffee increases the production of gastrine stimulates. This is a hormone that increases the production of stomach acid. That stomach acid is needed to better digest the food in your stomach. In that sense, coffee helps to get digestion going in your stomach. 

But what about complaints such as heartburn? That is not the direct result of coffee. Heartburn occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach flow back into the esophagus because the seal between the stomach and esophagus is not (any longer) completely optimal. The lack of proper closure is the cause. If you suffer from this, coffee can cause complaints. Just like spicy food, beer, wine and carbonated drinks. Being overweight can also promote heartburn. 

It used to be thought that coffee makes you a stomach ulcer could get. Also not true, because stomach ulcers are caused by bacterial infections and not by drinking coffee. It may be the case that coffee is not good for you if you have an ulcer (3). It is also striking an outcome of international research that stomach acid production is less after drinking coffee from dark roasted beans; the so-called dark roasts (spicy coffee). It turns out that the gastrin production is lower and therefore less is stimulated to produce stomach acid than with the less roasted coffees.4)

Plants use caffeine as a defense mechanism 

Fun fact: plants use caffeine as a defense mechanism. Caffeine paralyzes certain insects that try to eat the plant. Furthermore, the caffeine in fallen leaves prevents too many other plants from growing around the plant. In addition, caffeine has a pheromone function: in this way the plant attracts bees, which increases pollination.5)

1. https://www.voedingscentrum.nl/encyclopedie/cafeine.aspx!important

2. https://www.vivakoffie.nl/top-10-interessante-koffie-weetjes/ 

3. https://www.gezondheidsnet.nl/stoelgang-en-spijsvertering/wat-is-een-maagzweer 

4. https://www.gezondheidsnet.nl/stoelgang-en-spijsvertering/koffie-ondersteunt-je-spijsvertering

5. https://www.fit.nl/cafeine