Koffie voor ontspanning en focus thiamine guarana glutamate brein afgeleid jittery
2 min Reading time

Coffee for relaxation and focus

Florian Fermin
Florian Fermin

Is that possible, I thought the first time I heard it. Coffee to relax and focus. Can you make coffee in such a way that it gives you energy but also relaxes you at the same time? How would that feel, energized and relaxed at the same time. When I first read something about this, I immediately wanted to know more about it and I did some research.

After reading several articles about it, I continuously ended up with thiamine. Thiamine< /a> makes you more alert, but it also helps you relax at the same time. A brilliant study I had read about thiamine was about young people. These were young people who could not sleep well. But when they took thiamine, they fell asleep faster, but their sleep rhythm was also more stable. This is because thiamine blocks the glutamate that makes it into your brain. Where glutamate ensures that you are easily distracted and also become stressed, you become more relaxed when you take thiamine. This ensures that you are relaxed but not that you get sluggish or tired. It only ensures that you can relax, but still have energy. And you may recognize this feeling, for example when you drink green tea. This is because it contains a lot of thiamine.

Coffee for relaxation and focus

In this way tea and therefore the thiamine in the tea helps you to get into an Alpha state. In an Alpha state you are in the flow and this is also called hyperfocus. Whether you are at work, exercising or meditating, time flies very quickly and you are only working on 1 task that you are performing at its very best. But you can enhance this effect when you combine thiamine with caffeine. In one study, they had a group of people who took 50 mg of caffeine and a group who took 50 mg of caffeine plus 100 mg of thiamine. The people who took thiamine in addition to the caffeine came out of the study as the sharper group. She recognized words faster and they could focus better. This leads to coffee to relax and focus.

And now comes the fun. Namely Guarana is full of Thiamine and that's why we have it in Cupplement done. So drink Cupplement to stay focused longer, have more energy but in a relaxed way.